Saturday 9 February 2019

How to make many friends

I love all my friends and sometimes I wonder how I have so many. I mean, seriously, cause I spend most of my time eating or sleeping at home.
It is a surprise isn't it? 
Well, everyone likes a little company no matter how much of an anti-social or a social butterfly they are.
And in my adventures and misadventures in pushing myself to go and meet new people, I learnt many things which I shall share with you in this post...
1. Be sensitive to facial responses while speaking
Be acquainted with sufficient amounts of EQ.
Because by these, you'll know how to direct the conversation.

2. Trash the shy label 

Many people who think they're bad at making friends are often told that they are shy and reserved. Then those people accept those labels and conform to it. Well guess what? I know it, cause I've experienced it. It's best to leave such labels in the trash, whether or not you like the person who gave it to you. 
No person really is shy, they just need the right kind of people to feel comfortable enough to talk and be themselves. 
What is shy anyway? 
3. Throw away prejudices and baseless judgments about people you've not really met personally 
We miss out a lot of great friends because of our assumptions about them or their types. Give people a least one?

4. Start with a hello
Even if you don't know how to initiate a conversation with a stranger, just say a friendly "Hello". It's like saying, "I am acknowledging your existence". Maybe they will ignore you, maybe they'll be the ones to start a conversation with you or maybe...

5. They could be rude
But it's still good to try. Is saying "Hello" really that offensive? No. But at least you kept the door open and that's what matters, regardless of whether or not a person took that invitation. Besides, there are many other awesome people that could be your friend.

6. Help someone
The easiest way to talk to someone new is to help someone clearly struggling, by asking them if they need help. If they reject you, again, it's fine. At least they know you're there. 

7. Attend contests and events
Another easy way is to go to such places that encourage meeting new people. Never mind those over-competitive people though, they can be mean at times. 

8. Push yourself
Force yourself to initiate friendships and meet new people, it really benefits you. Try, eventually, you'll gain confidence.
There's no-one who isn't at least slightly afraid of rejection or embarrassing themselves. It's human to feel this way and even if you mess up, they'll probably forget it in no time anyway. (Also you should be proud that you tried, regardless of results and learn from every opportunity you get)

9. Keep realistic goals
Start small and make it an aim to gain people's trust, appreciate them for being themselves, take care of them and help them believe in themselves. Friendships are all about helping each other be the best they can be.

10. Keep a friend crush list
A list of people you think are completely awesome and you would like to befriend in the near future. This should at least exist in your mind. And please do try to talk to them someday.

11. People can suck
Having a lot of friends are great but they can be mean and terrible sometimes. No person is perfect no matter how it seems on the outside, give them a break, they're human. And guess what? So are you.
(Though you totally can cut ties with friends who are particularly hurtful and toxic even after you've tried telling them how their behavior is affecting you)

Happy befriending, I guess?

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