Monday 26 June 2017

What makes you happy?

It sure has been quite hectic life is really busy...All  the travelling, socializing, studying, practicing, thinking and choosing.
There's so much to do and only so many hours in a day. 
Apart from hurrying to the next place I have to be at, there's always something in my path that makes me smile or giggle somehow. 
In a world that destroys people who are a lifestyle that has no time for having is all the more important to find something or someone that makes you happy.

Last week there were many times I found things in my surroundings waaayy too the cow who found himself stuck in the middle of the traffic and the chicken that crossed the road behind me (which made me think "Why did the chicken cross the road?" Before laughing about it)

Many things make my day. Even the parrots I saw the other day flying around coconut trees and drinking water from a baloney's birdbath...and the thunder and lightening, oh so loud, with flashes so bright that it made me rethink my entire life!

Incense sticks whose smoke make patterns in the air so beautiful that I can only watch and see the currents of the wind. 

The silence of the night when I'm trying to sleep... so peaceful, nostalgic and magical as another busy day meets it's completion. 

Looking over to my friend as she laughs hysterically to one of my terrible jokes...and realizing how much more beautiful she looks right now as the light makes her eyes twinkle in a way.

Many things make me happy, many things make me feel life is worth living...despite the dark nightmares and the momentary unreasonable sadness I feel from time to time.

So as I end this post...I want to ask each one of you (whoever even reads these posts).....
What makes you happy?