Sunday 29 March 2020

Ghost town

Where are you?
Where have you gone?
When will you be back?

My city is known for its crowds and my society is known for not giving anyone any privacy. The streets now lie bare, without even a handful of people on it. My town has now become a ghost town. There isn't any movement, there seems to be no life on it anymore. But life still seems to be happening behind closed doors...the city is still pulsing and with it our hope continues to beat in our bodies. 

Like my dear city, other towns and cities around the world have locked down and grown silent out of the recent threat that has come into the limelight. The earth is empty in our common places. Is there life on earth? Every place where life was once obvious, is now hiding away in the curtains...

Death, don't find me
I want to live

Would the extraterrestrials chose to spy on our planet now? They would be mistaken if they concluded our earth is without intelligent life due to the current exteriors.

The world around embraces the areas once so rudely claimed by humankind, the trees and greenery fiercely take back the lands...and the animals & birds follow. It's their home too, you know, this earth. We could all share this place. 
The world outside calls us, in all its sounds and visible beauty...but I can't go. 

It's strange how the fruits forbidden always seem so much more tempting than the fruits given. 
Choose the right fruit. Choose to glance at the world outside, wait and hope. 
Until that time, this world shall remain a ghost town.
We will reunite, however, I believe in the warriors of our world and in the power of patience. 

Will the world be taken over by the threat? Will it bloom and bustle with its beautiful chaos ever again?

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