Friday, 27 April 2018

Fears and Phobias

Everyone is scared of something or the other. 
But one shouldn't think less of a person who gets scared of things you don't particularly consider scary. 

Because we're all human here. We need to support each other. It's simply stupid to judge or make light of someone's fears. 

I know, because, fears can paralyze you. Fears can make you feel small and helpless in certain situations and like all humans...We need help. And we won't get that help if we're being constantly ridiculed of our fears.

Support people. Give them the confidence, courage and opportunity to get over their fears.  Don't make them feel like the only one feeling that way about something. We all have our fears. Some may have more or less. Some may react differently to fears. 

But please do always attempt to control and vanquish your fears. Or at least make the personal decision that one day or another, you're going to be freed from this fear. And I hope, with all the hope I have in my heart...that one day...You'll conquer your fears...before your fears take over your life.   

Please see that you- Don't force people to face their fears without their approval, that's kinda rude. Let them decide for themselves how and when they want to do so.