Like mentioned earlier on this blog, I have been writing a yearly diary since the year 2012. It was a fad I wanted to follow that I kept seeing in movies and shows…and you know what? I’m glad I did. It has helped me throughout the years for multiple reasons.
There is something romantic about picking up my diary anytime during the day or night and just writing my heart out. The way the pen scratches and makes an impression on the paper…the way the ink glides and guides me on the path to balance and peace…and the way I don’t notice how many pages I’ve written until my train of thought reaches its station.
Diary writing has been the reason I run out of books to use for it every few months. I think for just this year, I’ve already used up three 200-page books! But it rarely feels like a task like it used to feel when I just began. Writing just comes naturally to me now and some might say I keep way too many diaries!
Before further ado…let’s get into the many perks of diary writing:
1. Improves grammar and writing skills
Here’s the perk I noticed instantly after reading past diaries. In my first diary, my hand-writing was horrible and unreadable. It had too many grammatical & spelling mistakes to decipher. In just the next year’s diary, the writing actually made sense and the improvement was drastic. I was surprised.
2. A place to vent
My diary is my preferred place to vent out all my uncomfortable feelings like sadness or anger. It feels safe to write all the curse words and depressing thoughts you have ever thought about. And the best part of this is…the feeling of relief and well-thought out conclusions you come to after a long session of diary writing. It feels like therapy. No need to burden another person with your problems and the expectation to understand…nor having to wait patiently for your close one's availability…just pick up your diary and a pen and get on with it!
3. More fluid writing
Since the first years of writing in my diary, I’ve noticed how easily I can write sentences that are connected to each other. It isn’t a random rambling of detached thoughts and people who have read any of my essays lately, also testify the same.
4. Better emotional control
Because of repeated self-soothing and compassion that I accomplish through diary writing, I feel more at peace and control of my emotions. Emotions don’t overwhelm me as much as it used to (it could also be the fact that I’ve grown a lot since then). I can now more easily hold on to anger or discomfort and express it in a healthy way like diary writing.
5. A healthy coping mechanism
During phases of my life in which I used to not write in my diary as often, I noticed how easily disturbed I was and how much more likely it was that I’d indulge in unhealthy coping mechanisms like stress-eating, temper-tantrums and so on. I really felt very mentally exhausted and overwhelmed in the times I didn’t or couldn’t write it out which caused my mind to feel like stagnant water.
6. No rules
A big perk to diary writing is that there is no way to do it wrong. You create the rules and you are the only authority. If you want to write a 3-page manifesto at the beginning, or imagine what would it take to break into your school, or rant about your annoying friend for 10 pages…there isn’t anything or anyone stopping you from expressing yourself. Go do it!
7. Improves memory
I noticed how much more easily I can hold on to details of my day because I normally do so to be able to write down that detail in my diary at the end of the day. Many of my friends also agree that when it comes to details of my day, no-one can beat me on my recall. (Given I was paying attention)
8. Improves conversation
The thoughts that I express in conversation has greatly improved because of years of training to write my thoughts in diary. I can put complex feelings & experiences into words and this is what helped me in my conversations with people in real life. I can express myself to others more easily when I can express things to myself well.
9. Opportunity to decorate
Diaries are an amazing opportunity to decorate! Be it the cover or the pages in between. Use all the cool art supplies you have and go crazy. Use beads, ribbons, cut-outs, drawings, tickets, stickers…write the year in calligraphy, block or graffiti-inspired fonts. Do whatever you want and be pleased with your creation.
10. A treasure chest of good (and bad memories)
This is my personal favorite. I love how easily I can journal about my most beautiful memories of my life as they happen. I can remember every detail of it. I don’t have to worry about forgetting the good times cause it’s all there in my diary, systematically dated. I have so many memories, etched into paper that I can always go back to and relive.
11. Tracking goals, habits and appointments
It’s hard to keep track of everything you need and want to do. This is why journaling helps you know what your goals are and actively pursue them. You can track your progress on building or breaking a habit or your next dentist appointment or even a school function. It’s easy and it’s all in one place. (And there’s no way your book’s battery will die, unlike electronics)
12. Feel them later
There have been many times when I have scribbled away a difficult feeling or experience and then referred to it later after I’ve calmed down to re-evaluate myself and my reaction. This helps me look at my responses to stress and assess what beliefs/biases are hurting me & my life.
13. Improves writing speed and stamina
In the process of writing everyday or every time you're overwhelmed, you find that you can easily write several pages without tiring over time. Suddenly, writing exams and assignments are easier and you get done faster than before. Even note-taking during classes and lectures are effort-less after starting this adventure.
14. Looking into the deep past
It’s just a fun thing to do I guess, reading old diaries & seeing how the problems you once faced & cried about, are long gone. It’s hilarious to read about the people I once liked and the friends I once had. I love the nostalgia. But I love seeing myself grow and discover this beautiful world, again and again. It gives me a sense of gratitude for having this life and it also gives me hope imagining an older, wiser version of me looking back and laughing at my present-day problems that also got resolved eventually. It’s a magical experience of pseudo-time travel.
There are times of great stress or change when I feel my sense of self spinning. It's so uncertain about who I am sometimes that I look back to see who I used to be in my journals. It gives me a sense of stability despite always changing and growing through life.
Did I convince you to keep a diary? I certainly hope I did. 😊