I'm a girl of many hobbies. Most of which, remain dormant for years sometimes because I don't have enough time to do everything anymore. School days were cool like that cause I actually had the time.
Whenever I see evidence of my old hobbies, I sometimes get surprised by how cool I used to be. I mean, I still am. But maybe not as creative as I was back then.
One particularly cool hobby I used to have was song-writing. It was my way of expressing really restless feelings. I'd feel relieved every time I wrote a song. It was like an accomplishment...like a certificate I wrote myself.
When I smaller, I used to listen to my favorite artists like Kesha, Flo Rida and Pitbull. But there was something very satisfying to me about playing my own songs on the guitar while I sang it. It didn't have the luxurious or hip background music, nor an experienced professional singer singing it. But it was very personal and that made it special. I knew the artist, I was the artist.
Even till date when I play my old songs, I feel younger pearl sitting beside me and listening to her masterpiece.
I mean, yes, we are the same person.
But our personalities and interests are so different.
The things I used to prioritize by writing songs about, now, I don't value anymore. It's not that I don't value those songs though.
It's a reminder that I've grown.
A little piece of the past, you know.
Sometimes I wonder if I should get it officially recorded in a studio. Try selling them. Share them with the world.
But some part of me just wants to keep it to myself.
Leave it like that... Personal. Mine and only mine.
I await the grand summer holidays right now to try and write songs again. Things and people I value right now. All for the future self that seeks to be reminded of who she was.